Ilkley Stroke Club
Ben Rhydding Methodist Church
89 Wheatley Lane Ben Rhydding
LS29 8PP
Please Contact: Joan Lawrence
E-Mail :
01729 - 840101
**E-Mail :
**This E-Mail address may NOT be checked on a regular basis**
- October 2019 - Dancing with Jane !!!
All Videos
- September 2019 -
"Two men in the corner"
Beautifully accompanied by our very own talented Elaine. X
Your Ilkley Stroke Club volunteers (and bus driver) helping again at Ilkley Carnival on May 6th 2019. They had a busy but fun time serving food and drinks. They are rewarded by a generous donation for Stroke Club by the Ilkley Carnival Committee.
Of course there's always some volunteers who can't leave to chocolate cake to go outside for the photo!
Welcome to ilkley stroke club
2019 photo's.
Thank You to ALL our brilliant Volunteers and also to Gillian for brill pictures !!! X
Elizabeth Hughes - Spread the word about Ilkley Talking Newspaper
ILKLEY Talking Newspaper (ITN) is calling on residents to spread the word about how it can help people keep in touch with what is going on in their area.
The service has enabled visually impaired members of the community to have access to the Ilkley Gazette for more than 30 years, giving them the same local news, views and reviews as their sighted neighbours.
From its inception, the ITN has also been made available to others who, because of a variety of health reasons, are challenged by the conventional printed newspaper, which can put up barriers for those suffering from, for example, arthritis or Parkinson’s disease or dementia.
A CD player is needed for the Talking Newspaper, but the organisation can supply these to anyone who does not have one.
Contact Elizabeth Hughes on 01535 655005 for further information.